NOTAM Briefings
In the case of an active route, the Route Planning Menu’s NOTAM briefing will present all the NOTAMs 10nm left and right of the planned route, in one convenient NOTAM briefing. All the non-hidden NOTAMs that fall within this radius are presented in the NOTAM briefing.
Briefing Path Width
In the Route Planning and Route Tools Menu, the NOTAM Briefing Path Width can be changed.
Example with LKLB
Consider the example airfield LKLB, which NOTAMs are not yet included in the NOTAM briefing with a Briefing Path Width of 10nm, but are included when the Briefing Path Width is set to 20 nm.
NOTAM Map Layer Settings
The setting from the Map Layers and NOTAMs menu are respected in the Route Planning NOTAM briefing as well. Hide NOTAMs based on radius, effective altitude, or any other NOTAM of choice. Choosing to hide certain NOTAMs in the Map Layers and NOTAMS menu, will prevent them from being presented on the Moving map and in the Pro Route Planning NOTAM briefing.