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Requirements and Download

To use external sources like X-Plane, Prepar3D, Microsoft Flight Simulator X and 2020 as GPS sources for EasyVFR, an EasyVFR Live, Pro, or Frequent Flyer membership is required.

Connecting EasyVFR to X-Plane and Prepar3D is straightforward and requires no additional software or tools. An additional software tool is provided to connect EasyVFR to the Microsoft Flight Simulators.

EasyVFR License

Supported Flight Simulators

  • X-Plane 11 and 12
  • Prepar3D v5 and v6
  • MSFS 2020
  • MSFS X
  • Will most probably also work for older X-Plane and Prepar3D versions, and the upcoming MSFS 2024.




Tested for X-Plane 11 and 12. Will most probably also work for previous editions.

To connect EasyVFR to X-Plane, first, in X-Plane, navigate to Settings/Network, click on 'IPHONE, IPAD and EXPERNAL APPs'. Check the box 'Broadcast to all mapping apps on the network'. When in EasyVFR, navigate to Status card → Position → Possible GPS Sources. When set to Automatic, EasyVFR should automatically detect the external GPS data stream broadcasted by X-Plane. If not, underneath the GPS sources block, enable 'X-Plane, Prepar3D flightsim (UDP port 49002)'.

For X-Plane specifically, the connection to EasyVFR is supported for single as well as multiplayer mode. Connecting EasyVFR to the free X-Plane Demo version is also supported.



Tested for Prepar3D v5 and v6. Will most probably also work for previous editions.

To connect EasyVFR to Prepar3D, first in Prepar3D, navigate to Options/General/Application and select 'Enable GPS data transmission'. Preferably using 'Broadcast GPS data to network'. When in EasyVFR, navigate to Status card → Position → Possible GPS Sources. When set to Automatic, EasyVFR should automatically detect the external GPS data stream broadcasted by Prepar3D. If not, underneath the GPS sources block, enable 'X-Plane, Prepar3D flightsim (UDP port 49002)'.


MSFS 2020 and 2024

Great news. FSConny is now also compatible with MSFS2024. If you had the previous version, remove it and download the new version.

  • Download FSConny V0.1.4.0 by Ubi Sumus.
  • Release notes:

    • New: adaption for FS2024
    • New: opt-in/opt/out for traffic on ground
    • Improved: classification of traffic aircraft types
    • Bugfix: not all settings were reset properly after re-connecting to MSFS
    • Bugfix: call sign in FLARM not sent
  • 22 Januari 2023: NOTE: Should FSConny fail to function, it could be linked to Inbound firewall rules for flightsimulator.exe. Try removing these rules from "Windows Defender Firewall" -> "Advanced Settings" -> "Inbound Rules" or adjust them to allow both public and private networks. If the problem persists, please reach out to our support team for help. We're here to assist!

Connecting EasyVFR to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and 2024 requires a free software tool called FSConny, created by Ubi Sumus. MSFS 2020 and 2024 do not provide GPS output data for EasyVFR, FSConny creates this required data stream and broadcasts it via your home network.

Download FSConny by Ubi Sumus. No installation is required, just extract the downloaded zip file, and run FSConny by clicking on the executable file. Access the settings using the 'SET' button and select the data type you would like to send out to EasyVFR. Then, for a data broadcasting type of choice, GDL90 or FLARM, set the IP address of the network both your PC and your tablet are connected to. For this press the "get broadcast address" button to the right of the IP address field.

Alternatively, the IP address of your private network can be found on your mobile device in Settings, Wi-Fi, and the Wi-Fi menu. It usually starts with '192.'. The last segment of the IP address represents your tablet's specific address within the network. To broadcast data to all devices on the network, simply replace this last IP address segment with '255'. Choose port 11000 to let EasyVFR automatically pick up the MSFS data stream.

If you want to connect MSFS to the desktop version of EasyVFR on the same PC, the default IP address can be used.

A red cross on the FSConny tool indicates that it is not connected to MSFS. With MSFS running, showing the welcome screen, press the 'CON' button in FSConny to connect to MSFS. The red cross on the FSConny tool should change into a horizontal attitude indicator.

When in EasyVFR, navigate to Status card → Position → Possible GPS Sources. When set to Automatic, EasyVFR should automatically detect the external GPS data stream broadcasted by MSFS 2020 or 2024. If not, underneath the GPS sources block, enable 'MS Flight Simulator (UDP port 11000)'.

For MSFS 2020 and 2024 specifically, data of surrounding traffic in the simulator is also shared with EasyVFR. EasyVFR visualizes the surrounding traffic on the moving map. For more details about traffic and other settings, see the FSConny User Manual that is included with the FSConny zip file.




Connecting FSX to EasyVFR is very similar to the procedure for MSFS2020, apart from two things. A different connection tool called xConn, also created by Ubi Sumus, is used and for FSX specifically, the Service Pack 1 and 2 or the Acceleration pack need to be installed. Download XConn by Ubi Sumus and the FSX service packs.

Install the FSX Service packs or the acceleration pack if you haven't done so already. xConn itself does not require an installation, just extract the downloaded zip file and run xConn by clicking on the executable file. Make sure to have FSX running before starting xConn, otherwise xConn will not connect. In the system tray, on the right side of the Windows taskbar, xConn's icon will display a red cross through it when it is not connected to FSX.

Right-clicking on this icon reveals various options. In the Properties and Output menu, the IP address can be filled out to connect to EasyVFR on your tablet or the same computer, just like for MSFS2020.

When in EasyVFR, navigate to Status card → Position → Possible GPS Sources. When set to Automatic, EasyVFR should automatically detect the external GPS data stream broadcasted by FSX. If not, underneath the GPS sources block, enable 'MS Flight Simulator (UDP port 11000)'.